feature one

Meeting Times

Our Regular Stated Communications are held the Second and Fourth Monday of each month starting at 7:30pm. Refreshments are normally provided before the start of the meeting, and of course all are welcome. If you are planning on attending a meeting please be sure to look at the Lodge's calendar to make note of any time changes, weather related cancellations, or if special events are being held that evening.

feature two

Our History

On May 28th, A.D. 1873, A. L. Brothers M. D. L Buell, Chairman: William M. Musick, Secretary; and Theodore Heege, W. H. Fanning, Oswald Sturdy, Edward R. Sprague, Wesley P. Rickart, Lucius D. Morse, M. C. Mamelan, Hugh S. Jacobi, James O’Neal, Paul Wright, J. W. Wade, and Henry T. Mudd met in Pittman’s Hall, southwest corner Missouri Pacific tracks and Webster (Kirkwood Road) for consultation as to be the propriety and feasibility of establishing a Lodge of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons...

feature three

Links of Interest

We have several different groups who meet in the building. By clicking on the title of this section it will take you to the links page.